Leo Messi and Luis Suárez have turned into big friends inside and out of the terrains of game. It sees them together in all the expeditions, chat without stopping on affine subjects, go to dine was and joint to his families when have opportunity, and keep a chemistry that benefits them to personal level and therefore also to the FC Barcelona like team.

This season 2016-17 are completing statistical very similar to level goleador and assistant in League Santander, and also coincide in other respects regarding the impact on the lawn and it determinants that are for the Barça.

Leo Messi and Luis Suárez, with an original data

However, it exists an anecdote that big part of the fans of the FC Barcelona desconoce on Leo Messi and Luis Suárez. And it is that both were expelled in the first party that played with the absolute selection of his country, Argentina and Uruguay respectively.

In the last days have fulfilled 10 years since Luis Suárez debuted officially in a party of the absolute of Uruguay. It was in a friendly in front of Colombia, and the Uruguayan forward did not finish fulfilling all the minutes that had to play in the field.

Leo Messi debuted in 2005 with the absolute of Argentina against the selection of Hungary, and also was expelled in that party. In spite of his entrances, the reality is that in both cases the referees were something rigorous with the current players of the FC Barcelona. Of all this, in any case, already does long.