It goes back to remain clear that there is not crime any for having pitado the hymn of the Spanish state during the presentation of the final of the Glass of the King of the past season. Like this it has said it the own National High Court after filing for the second time the querella that had presented in his day Clean Hands and of which had withdrawn recently after his general secretary went imprisoned by crimes of swindle.

It treats of the second filed after the past 19 February the same Audience fail in favour of the fans of Athletic and Barça. Something that Clean Hands resorted and went back to lose. Two months and half after the first sentence goes back to remain clear that there was not crime any in the done by both bloated.

It was the judge of the third section of the penal room of the National High Court the attendant to file again the cause when affirming that although it exists an article of the Penal Code that could allege , said article was not valid when they produced the facts and now can not apply with retroactividad. And like the querella went against of the two clubs of football, the crimes of insults to the king and outrage to the crown can not be committed by legal persons.