The artificial intelligences have burst into in the universe of the football, and as it was to expect, the people are employing them to conceive amazing creations and inimaginables. Like result, in the social networks have earned popularity images created by Chat GPT in which rediseñan some of the most emblematic stadiums of the world-wide football like the Spotify Camp Nou, Santiago Bernabéu or others, generating a remarkable visual impact.

An user of Twitter has shared these creations that allow us visualise the appearance of all these stadiums of a way never before sight. In some cases, the results result more or less coherent, but in others seems that the artificial intelligence has deployed a dose of fantasy when representing distinctive elements of the clubs or of his city.

A new Spotify Camp Nou impressive

Regarding the FC Barcelona, the rediseño of the "Spotify Camp Nou" stands out like one of the most spectacular transformations. In the image, appreciates an imponente stadium with the distinctive colours blaugrana and the iconic Holy Family deep down. Besides, it observes how the field integrates perfectly in the heart of the city, harmonising of sublime way with the landscape. Undoubtedly, it would be extraordinary to witness it in person and only the time will say if the final works of the stadium will coincide with the vision created by the artificial intelligence.

Regarding the modification of Santiago Bernabéu, results remarkable, especially by the magnitude that has purchased the stadium and the imponente crown that adorns his façade. Besides, can observe that the IA has kept the original style of the field and his characteristic open ceiling. It is innegable that all these visual representations are impressive and would be extraordinary that materialised to be able to visit these imponentes stadiums.