The senator of Convergència, Josep Maldonado, has asked to the Government by the reasons that have carried to the Legal profession of the State to sentence again to Leo Messi to trial by fiscal fraud, when the Fiscalía already had him exculpado, and if the Government has had something that see

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As it has published the newspaper "Sport" and other media in base to informations of the "Agency EFE", the senator of Convergència, Josep Maldonado, has consulted to the Government why the Legal profession of the State has decided to go back to carry to trial to the big star of the FC Barcelona, Leo Messi, by fiscal fraud. Besides, it has wanted to know also if this decision to sentence again to the Argentinian star was adopted of agreement to instructions of the Executive.

And it is that Maldonado has extrañado that it go back to open the case "when the same public prosecutor there was exculpado to the player and asked that the process against Messi was sobreseído", and has asked of this form to the Executive "if it can confirm that the legal profession of the State did not act following instructions of the own Government".

Leo Messi and his father will be judged by a penal judge of Vilanova i the Geltrú and will seat together in the bench of the accused, although it does very little time the Fiscalía requested the sobreseimiento of the cause when ensuring that Leo Messi did not have knowledge of the management made in theory by his father.

The judge has decided to send finally to trial to Leo Messi because from the Legal profession of the State would consider him "coautor" of the three supposed crimes perpetrados against Inland revenue, by value of 4,1 million euros. In the car, the judge instructor signals that "they exist elements that allow to affirm so much that the facts object of procedure and by which has formulated indictment are constitutive of several crimes like that exist rational indications of criminality with regard to both". There is not measure cautelar neither any type of bail for the two accused.

In the car communicated besides that "the public character of the accused hampers in extreme that could embezzle to the action of the justice. They are known the people and entities of which obtain his income, what reduces to a large extent the risk of insolvency". The Fiscalía asked only 18 months of prison for the father of Messi, Jorge, and that filed the cause for the footballer.