The referee of the party between Barcelona and Villarreal warned in the warming to the player on the impossibility that it played with the strip of the peel that already lució in the party in front of the BEAT Borisov. Unlike the party of Champions in this occasion the mark of the strip was visible

The Classical - Gone in / Ticket FC Barcelona vs Real Madrid
The Classical - Gone in / Ticket Real Madrid vs FC Barcelona
Ticket - Gone in for all the parties of the FC Barcelona

The referee of the party between FC Barcelona and Villarreal corresponding wing eleventh day of League BBVA 2015-2016, Clos Gómez spoke with the crack of the Barça Neymar Júnior before the meeting to leave him clear that could not contest the meeting with the strip in the peel. It was during the warming when the referee approached to the attacker blaugrana to comment him the prohibition.

It does not know of official way the reasons by which the player has not been able to lucir this strip of the peel that it seems there was him traido good luck. Although everything to tip to that the League does not allow lucir clothes that was not the official of the team in which it can see of clear way the mark of the complement, in this case of the North American signature "Nike".

Where did not have any problem "Ney" to be able to lucir this diadem was in the meeting of the past Wednesday of Champions League in front of the BEAT Borisov. There it could him see with a strip but in this case totally black and of which the referee of that meeting did not say absolutely at all. Neither it annotated it in the report postpartido.

The one who never had had problems when lucía a similar piece was the ancient star of the barcelonismo Ronaldinho of Assis. "Ronnie" was used to to use a black diadem in which himself that saw the logo of his own mark of clothes R10. The rules in this appearance seem to have changed with regard to eight years ago.