Joan Laporta, president of the FC Barcelona, showed especially had to answer diverse questions during an extensive interview in 'Barça One', the platform of audiovisual contents of the club culé. In this sense, tackled the controversial 'Case Negreira' and did not doubt in criticising the intervention of the Real Madrid in this controversial subject, arriving even to accuse to the picture merengue to be historically favoured by the referee's decisions.

The Barcelona mandator spoke of the campaign against of the FC Barcelona by the 'Case Negreira'

'Jan' showed a big satisfaction when having been exonerated, so much he like his managerial board, of any penal responsibility in the 'Case Negreira'. "I am happy, because I no longer am imputed, but why did it: by fear to that we go back to another victorious stage, that already carry to the Barça to this. They knew that Negreira was not a civil servant. Have the feeling that they think that against the Barça okay all", began saying.

In this line argumental, Laporta also emphasized the existence of a big campaign of desprestigio against the FC Barcelona and ensured that there are sufficient proofs for rebatir of effective way any indictment related with the 'Case Negreira'. "There is a campaign to destroy our reputation. They have condemned us before judging us. it is showing That it was an advice, that have not bribed to anybody. One of the reasons of all the referee's decisions against is this campaign against the reputation of the club. The partners have not fallen in this cheat. It sees the degree of communication and of scandal that wanted to represent and now is difficult to see the news that they have exonerated us", added.

The 'stick' of Laporta to the Real Madrid by his intervention in the 'Case Negreira'

The Barcelona mandator did not want to leave happen the opportunity to express his criticism to the Real Madrid by his posture in the 'Case Negreira'. In his moment, the white club reported the existence of "indications of sportive corruption of a gravity and scope inusitados", indictment that served for avivar even more the controversy. "That the Madrid appeared and lengthened the summary six months is a played very dirty. It does not cost everything for winning, but have played this letter, that do not know why play it, because all the controversial referee's decisions fall of his side. They are a club favoured by the arbitrations. And no only it is this appearance, but all what launch from his television. They turn the history. They live in a reality that does not exist, because if there is a club favoured by the referees is the Real Madrid, no the Barça", emphasized.

In this point, the Catalan lawyer showed satisfied by the fact that it was clearing gradually the situation around this controversy, with the aim of 'clean' the good name of the FC Barcelona. "Fortunately, the courts are giving us the reason and as we never have bought referees will go out innocent. It has been a campaign to prejudice us in the referee's decisions", concluded.