The attacks of 17 August 2017 in The Promenades and Cambrils continue hinting on the origin and intentions after the resumption of the case by part of the National High Court. In accordance with the reports of the Mossos d'Esquadra, the van used for the arrollamientos was rented for perpetrar several attacks, one of them during the FC Barcelona-Betis pautado for 20 August.

However, his plans to attack also the Holy Family and the Tower Eiffel saw frustrated afterwards of the explosion occurred in the house of Alcanar while the terrorists prepared the artefacts that would use for the attack. In her fallecó the leader of the cell yihadista of Ripoll, Abdelbaki Is Satty, beside another of his members.

In front of this, opted for improvising the next day the run over in The Promenades that left a balance of 16 dead persons and 140 injured. In accordance with the police reports, the van was rented on 16 August by Driss Oukabir, supposedly linked to the cell, the one who had to Said Ben Iazza like collaborator.

Details on the rent

The authorities ensure that Oukabir knew that the vehicle would be used to commit an attack. Nevertheless, after the facts in Alcanar, considered that it was necessary to do a change in the agreement not to appear as involved in the attack. The modification was suggested to his brother, the one who later would be knocked down in Cambrils, whereas the driver of the van, Younes Abouyaaqoub, ran with the same luck.

In the trial also have been present other presumptive involved: Said Ben Iazza and Mohamed Houli, the one who resulted injured during the attacks. However, the Mossos d'Esquadra sustain that any of them had a direct participation during the occurred on 17 August.