The Barça, surpassed by the Athletic of Madrid in the League, occupied the first place from 19 August of the 2012. In total, the Barcelona team has been leader of the championship during 59 days, 38 of the past season and 21 of this

533 days later, the Barça is not leader of the League. The Barcelona group occupied the first square during all the championship 2012/13 and in the 21 first days of the present exercise. In the 22ª, the team lost in the Camp Nou in front of Valencia and the Athletic of Madrid took advantage of it to surpass it in the classification. Now, the colchoneros are first, with three points of advantage with regard to the culés, that are empatados with the Real Madrid.

In total, then , have been 59 days of uninterruptible leadership of the Barça, what means a new record in the First Division.