The ex Barcelona Ronaldinho shared in his account of twitter a photo of a Mexican fan that has a collection of more than 70 T-shirts of the Brazilian star

Giovanny Tocohua, Mexican fan established in United States, is follower of the crack Brazilian from 1999 and possesses one a collection of more than 70 T-shirts that review the career of the Gaucho. In the photo, appears with 78 of them: Guild, Paris Saint-Germain, the Barça, the Milan, the Flamengo, until his last club, the Athletic Mineiro. Also they appear the 23 shirts that lució Ronaldinho in the "canarinha".

The own Ronaldinho remained impressed and shared it in twitter. "It looks the collection of my T-shirts that has Giovanny Tocohua!!! My history is written in this photo!", it wrote the Brazilian. Giovanny Tocohua has recognised that already it has spent more than 35 one thousand euros in official T-shirts, second equipaciones, boots and toys that do reference to the ex player of the Barça.