Andreas Brehme, champion of the world in 1990 with Germany, could finish cleaning retretes. The player is in an economic situation very complicated

The ex player of German football Andreas Brehme, author of the goal that gave the title to Germany in the World-wide of 1990, is going through serious economic problems and to a step of the ruin. Brehme, to his 53 years, is ruined and ready to lose his house by fault of a debt of 200.000 euros, as it has informed this Wednesday the daily "Deutsche Welle".

Franz Beckenbauer, president of honour of the Bayern and technician of that German selection that proclaimed champion of the world in Italy, has demanded publicly helps and has had a fast answer of Oliver Straube, another ex footballer that has offered him work to his company, devoted to the cleaning of aseos. "We are had to give work to Andreas Brehme like assistant in our signature. There it will know what is to work for real cleaning sanitary and toilets. This will serve him to know how is the life and improve his image. This yes is to help Brehme", said Staube.

Brehme, that hanged the boots to the 38 years after a long professional path where was a member of the Bayern, the Saragossa and the Inter of Milan, among others teams, followed linked to the football and formed part of the technical body of the Stuttgart, a task that left in 2006. After eight years without a stable work and drowned by cuantiosas debts, Brehme can finish cleaning aseos to go out of this desperate situation.