In the "Crackòvia" of this week premières "Game of Surroundings", the series that will cause furor all over the world. Or no. Two families confronted in a terrible fight by the power of Can Barça. They will be able to keep the throne, the Núñisters? Or they will be defeated by the Cruyffstarks? If you play to the game of surroundings, only can win or be imputed

The program discovers that a part of the barcelonismo suffers a grave raisin of the virus of the "perapuñetismo". Although the results of the team are good, do not finish to have a good time it with the game. Besides, the irregularity in the game of the Barça causes that Joan Maria Pou (Max Marieges) and Puyal (Pep Square) live in a Russian mountain constant.

Crackòvia: 24/02/2014 (complete chapter)