To Edson Arantes Do Nascimento, "Peeled", have asked him in an interview in which team would like him play if it still was in active. The mythical ex Brazilian player has answered that "it could play in two or three teams, but right now would choose the Barça"

In an interview conceded to the magazine "Time", Peeled has explained that in the case that nowadays it was in conditions to play to football, would do it in the FC Barcelona. "It could play in two or three teams, but right now would say that it would choose the Barça because it is the team that more seems to the style of game that practised in the Saints". It fits to remember that I Peeled it played in the Saint all his life, although it contested a friendly party in the Camp Nou.

It was in 1963, although the combined Brazilian could not do at all against the Barcelona group and lost by a clear 2-0. Sadurní, Eladio and Fusté, among others, went the players culés that played the meeting in front of a public of roughly 85.000 people, an atrocity for the period.