A British youngster left planted to his girlfriend of 20 years after buying the new FIFA16. I do not content with this, him it restregó in his account of Twitter. His girlfriend answered of the most original way substituting it by a vibrator! The anonymous split more viral of the history

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The current world changes without not even darse us to a speed endiablada. What before were histories of love and splits that remained hid in the mind of each person, now are the social networks for recodártelo. Something like this has happened them to an expareja of enamoured British and the social network Twitter. The element of the discord inside the relation was the new video game FIFA 16...

To Bradley Measor, of 20 years of age, no occurred him better idea that leave to his girlfriend Danni Bishopp after buying the new video game of Electronics Arts. Thinking in that it no longer would have more time to be with her, decided to give him the news through the Twitter by means of a tuit cold and descorazonador where could see the writing "Goodbye Danni" that carried attach a photography of the game. The veinteañeroesperaba that to his girlfriend split him the heart...

But at all more far of the reality. His expareja answered of the more original and worthy way, leaving even to the own Brad in ridiculous in front of thousands of users of the social network that did echo of the "discussion" and retuitearon to both people. In the reply of Danni, could leérse "Goodbye Brad", with the photo attaches of a purchase of consoladores!

The dispute, as we say, did viral and while the tuit of Brad has reached already the 14.000 retuits, the one of Danni exceeds the 17.000. All a phenomenon viral initiated of the way more inversomil and have has attracted the attention of thousands of tuiteros as well as of crowd of media. To finish with the subreal history, the company Ann Summers, where Danni bought the consolador, has sent him to the youngster a wide sample of products like vibrators, lingerie...