Maradona, that went back to dress of short, assaulted to a journalist and propinó patadas to several people when it abandoned the terrain of game in the "Party by the Peace". The ex Argentinian player was in Bogota to support the process of peace in Colombia

The social networks throw smoke after the last scandal starred by Diego Armando Maradona. The incredible images Maradona in Colombia assaulting to a journalist and giving patadas to at least other two people that surrounded it when it withdrew of the terrain of game in the "Party by the Peace", are giving the turn to the world.

In the images published by the Colombian newspaper "The Time" can see to Maradona abandoning the terrain of game applauding to the public and surrounded of a big quantity of people. Suddenly,  in a reaction inexplicable, propinó a patada to a man and afterwards gave him a manotazo to the journalist of the local channel "City" that recorded his exit with a mobile telephone.

Although it seem incredible, Maradona went back to get dressed of short in a football match to support the process of peace in Colombia. The Argentinian was the centre of all the looks in this friendly contested in Bogota, to ask that it put end to five decades to a civil war that has earned more than 200.000 dead persons.

Maradona, with the 10 in the back, went the author of the goal of the victory of his. This yes, has been thanks to a penalti say that very rigorous. The goalkeeper neither put too many difficulties.