The Argentinian star of the FC Barcelona, Leo Messi, has sacked 2013 asking a new year without injuries and with a lot of joys for the barcelonismo. In a video of 'World Read', has revealed his state anímico and has made some malabares with the balloon

Leo Messi already finds in Barcelona, and this next Thursday will incorporate to the trainings beside the rest of his mates in the Barcelona group. Hours before, in Rosario, 'The Flea' spoke for 'World Read' and asked a 2014 without injuries. The Argentinian forward, besides, appreciated the unconditional support of all his followers and wished a New Year plagado of new triumphs for the FC Barcelona.

Messi ensures that it finds in a good state anímico thanks to the company of his family and the support received by part of all the sectors of the barcelonismo. In the video of 'World Read', combines his explanations with some malabares with the balloon. In one of them, achieves to mark a 'impossible goal' from behind the goal.