If you are a lover of the football in pure state and likes you be abreast of all what sucede in the international panorama, your place is the portal Minutonoventa.com, a directory of news that groups the most important information of the main world-wide competitions

To the true been mad about of this sport no only likes them follow the actuality and the parties of his team, but also be abreast of what bakes in the others big competitions of the world, know all the notable informations of each one of them and act like observers spying to the future promises of other continents. As for all this needs time, the portal "Minutonoventa.com" has decided to put it easier collecting daily the most stood out news of the main sportive means of each country.

Of an orderly form and, overcoat, useful and fast, the lovers of the international football will be able to throw when they want a fast ojeada to the information of the most important teams of the main world-wide leagues, in addition to consulting the classifications of any competition and be to the parrot of what publish the footballers in his social networks, as Twitter. Spain, Italy, England, Colombia, Argentina, Uruguay... All the daily information of the competitions futbolísticas of said countries remains grouped in "Minutonoventa.com", to your scope and without need to waste the time going of web in web looking for data and news of distinct clubs.

With "Minutonoventa.com" all is easier. It has in addition to the tool "Bulletin Futbolero", by means of the which can be informed to all hours of the ultimas news. It has of account of Twitter, @MinutoN, and of Facebook, /MinutoN, by what will be able to be in direct contact and when more you wish it with the actuality of the international football. If you are tired to happen you hours and hours in front of the screen of the computer looking for information or, by the contrary, spend you the money in distinct newspapers of paper each day, do not expect more and visit "Minutonoventa.com", the most complete web page for the fanatical of this sport.

Visit the web Minutonoventa.com