The Brazilian star of the FC Barcelona, Neymar, has valued the recent signing of Burn Turan and ensures that it treats of "one of the best players of the Spanish League". The player of the Barça has reviewed also the latest news on his controversial sanction with Brazil

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The big star of the "canarinha" and of the FC Barcelona, Neymar Jr, has participated in an act solidario related with the initiative "Ball do World", promoted by the NGO "Smile Flame", in which besides they have attended also his mother Nadine, his sister Rafaella and his son Davi Lucca. In addition to the presence in the terracings of other familiar and friends, Neymar has been accompanied also by the ex footballer Nené and the current player of the Lazio and ex mate in the Saint Felipe Anderson.

After the act, Neymar has spoken with the media and in the first place has showed very happy with the signing of Burn Turan for the FC Barcelona, to the one who considers an out of series. "Burn Turan is a big player. It is one of the best that there is in the League. Has a big quality and goes us to help a lot", has said in words conceded to "Sport". To continuation, has been asked as it could not be of another form by the last informations related with the controversial expulsion and back sanction of four parties that suffered in the Glass America 2015.

In the last days had said that the technical body of Carlos Dunga asked to the CBF that did not resort the sanction of Neymar. "I said him to Dunga and to the technical body that it was complicated to remain me there. It was not happy and went me to train without any aim. If it had remained me, only it had prejudiced to my mates. If it had smiled in a training, would have accused me of not being involved and would have said me that it did not matter me at all".

"And if it had put bad expensive, would have said that was angered. So the best was to go me. We speak it and I left the subject in hands of Dunga and of the CBF". Neymar, besides, referred to the elimination of Brazil of the Glass America in quarter-finals alleging that "lose form splits of the football. Now we need to do a good preparation to face the eliminatory for the World-wide. The football is very equalised. No always it wins Brazil. Every time it results more difficult".