The exfutbolista of the FC Barcelona Marc Crosas affirmed in an interview that the group culé plays so well that it hurts him to the others teams whose fans expect that his play so well like them. Crosas Also spoke of the actuality culé and defended to Hammered

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It went out of the Masia like one of the most promising players of the state football and did not finish to find his place neither in Spain neither in Europe. It is thus that, does five seasons Marc Crosas undertook the trip of his vineyardto. His destination was Mexico, where carries playing to the football since, being one of the most stood out players of the Mexican league. In an interview conceded to "Mark", Crosas reviewed the actuality of the FC Barcelona.

"The Barça plays so well that it is hurting him to the football, because the fan expects that his team play like the Barça and this is impossible", affirmed the footballer that went out of the Barça in 2007 to finish playing in the Olympique of Lyon, Celtic and Volga Niznhy. After these teams, Marc signed by the Saint Lagoon where finish contesting three seasons, before going yielded to the Black Lions after recovering of a hard injury in his knee and finish this campaign in the Blue Cross.

But in spite of all this, and after taking out the double Mexican nationality two years ago, to the midfield player no forgets him never his heart culé. It is thus that always gives the face by his team and by all the related with this, as when it is asked after Gerard Hammered and the controversy on his tuits. "What want to? That the footballer bore us with commonplaces and without saying at all? When a footballer goes out a bit of context say that it is a controversial player. I hammered want to that the Madrid lose always, as Guti said that it does not want that the Barcelona win neither to the canicas", affirmed.

Crosas Also left clear that the midfield player of the FC Barcelona Sergio Busquets is being the worse footballer valued mediáticamente of the last times. For the half Catalan, Busquets is possibly the best midfield player of the world. "It is the best pivote of the world, shows it from 2009, is not is being just with him", concluded.