The FC Barcelona, through an official communiqué, has confirmed that will present resource of appeal in front of the FIFA, and if it was necessary in front of the Referee's Court of the Sport (TAS). Besides, the Barcelona club has done a lit defence of the model of the Farm

As a result of the sanction imposed by the Disciplinary Commission of the FIFA to the FC Barcelona (FCB) by infringements related with the traspaso and the registration of lower players of 18 years, the FC Barcelona wants to puntualizar that:

According to the official communiqué issued today by the FIFA, the Real Spanish Federation of Football also has been sanctioned by international signings of minors.

The norm purportedly infringida has like purpose the protection of minors in front of the performances of sportive clubs that incorporate to minors without guaranteeing the rights of training and attention that the FCB yes develops in the model of The Farm.

The model of The Farm incorporates programs of educational training, stay, maintenance, medical assistance, attention to the needs of the minors and plans of sportive development. The FCB forms people before that sportsmen, question that has not been considered by the FIFA, that applies a penalizing criterion ignoring the educational function of our program of training.

All the players of the FCB always have had in order and to the day his federative licences according to the requirements of the corresponding federations. All they and at all times.

Some of the players affected by the file of the FIFA have been even summoned by the Catalan Federation of Football to participate in the autonomic championships with the Catalan Selection.

Since it opened the file of the FIFA, the federative licences of the players were withdrawn and these have not gone back to participate in official parties. Like this then , in no case it has produced some sportive participation no statutory of any of them.

The FC Barcelona has not broken any civil legislation and all the minors that enjoy of his formative centre are legal residents in the country.

The players that in order of the FIFA have seen cancelled his federative licences have had the option to continue in the Club, that is supported by they his commitment to look after his educational training, with the aim that they do not suffer social damages, in spite of not being able to play.

Any player of the FCB is in irregular administrative situation.

The FCB has posed to the FIFA from does time and in different fields, the need to review the regulations that pretend to protect to the minors, to end to do this more effective protection.

The model of training of the FCB always has received the recognition express of the FIFA, and The Farm always has been used like example of best practices.

Our candidates to the Balloon of Gold are an example of the recognition of the FIFA in our procedures of sportive training.

The model of training of the FCB helps to the families of a lot of players to his integration and his social growth.

Only in Catalonia, estimates in 15.000 the figure of lower players of age inscribed federativamente, that would be in irregular situation for having been born out of Spain, according to the criteria of the FIFA in his penalizing file.

By all this, the FCB will present the corresponding resource of appeal in front of the FIFA and in his case will subject the resolution that result to the arbitration of the Referee's Court of the Sport (TAS). Also they will request the timely measures cautelares that preserve the rights of the Club, between which are comprised the incorporation of players, during the periods of transfer.