The international Kevin Grosskreutz will be sanctioned by the German Federation of Football (DFB) after being surprised urinating in public in the hall of a hotel of Berlin where found with his team, the Borussia Dortmund, the night of the final of the Glass of Germany

According to several German means, Grosskreutz did not fit too well the defeat against the team of Guardiola and that night decided to drown the penalties. Members of the staff technical of the Borussia and other guests of the hotel found him urinating against a column with visible symptoms of drunkenness. "It was a defeat very frustrante. And I seat a lot of what happened afterwards. I apologise. It will not go back to suceder", declared Grosskreutz to the journalists gathered in the concentration of the German selection in the north of Italy.

Grosskreutz, midfield player of 25 years, and candidate to travel to the World-wide of Brazil with Germany, has seen peligrar his announcement as a result of this incident. Joachim Löw Has wanted to calm the spirits descartando that the player have to suffer direct consequences by this fact, although already it has done him see to the player that "the selected, more than any another player, have to give example".

It is not the first time that the young player of the Borussia appears in the headlines by facts extradeportivos. It does less than a month reported it a follower of the Colony, that accused him to have him thrown a kebab in the face.