The trainer of the Arsenal, Arsène Wenger, has made from England some controversial statements in which it has ensured to have played against teams "doped", urging to the sportive authorities to that they practise with more frequency control to the players

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In a brief interview conceded to "L'Équipe Magazine", Arsène Wenger has spoken on his vision on how affects the doping to the world of the sport and, in his case, to the football. The French technician has the security that during the 30 years that carries exerting like trainer never any his player has doped , although it doubts more than the footballers against which has confronted , ensuring that it is very likely that have confronted along his career against some team "doped" by fault of the fault of rigour and also of frequency in the controls.

"In 30 years of career any of my players has injected substances that could improve his performance. However, we have played against a lot of teams that did not respect this philosophy", has left clear the French trainer of the Arsenal, that at present lidia with the Manchester City by the first square of the Premier League.

Wenger signals that it always has tried to be "faithful to my values and think that is important to transmit it to my players", and considers that "they do not do sufficient anti-doping controls. It is difficult to think that between the 740 players of the World-wide there has not been any problem".

Finally, the French technician thinks that in the world of the sport " ensalza too much so only to the winner without mattering the means used", in some statements that sobreponen to which already made does some days criticising the delivery of the Balloon of Gold, a prize that considers incompatible and dishonest with the message of team, collectivity and work in group that in theory would have to transmit the football, without boosting the individuality.

Like this it was the "rajada" of Wenger on the Balloon of Gold

In words pronounced from England, Arsène Wenger rushed forward duramente against what considers a celebration of the "selfishness" in the world of the football, the gala of the Balloon of Gold that celebrates every year in Zúrich at the beginning of January, ensuring that it does not do him any good to the sport when boosting the individual ambition and the thought in one same instead of the values of the group, of the collective game and of the know win jointly, like team, and no like individual.

"I do not go with anybody in this career for being the best. I think that this award encourages the selfishness and encourages to the players to go more by own profit in determinate played that by the mate that finds in better position. Thus I think that the award is a rubbish", criticised of way more than rotunda the technician of the Arsenal, although one of his players, Alexis Sánchez, has happened the cut like one of the applicants to achieve the award.