The Barça fell defeated in front of the Real Sociedad (3-1) just the same day in that the known application 'Whatsapp' remained temporarily off duty. In Twitter, the users took advantage of for mofarse of the situation by means of inventive comments

The FC Barcelona 'punctured' again in just League the same day in that Whatsapp remained off duty because of diverse technical problems originated after his purchase by part of Facebook. As it is used to to be usual in the social networks, diverse users used his wit to compare both situations by means of fun comments, like the "Whatsapp Barça? (What happens Barça?).

Other examples are "Facebook has bought the Barça?", of @queconovell, or "to the Tata neither works him the BarçApp", of @josepoider. Also they could read comments like "a minute of silence by Whatsapp, Telegram and the Barça", of @CapturaWhatsapp. In definite, what better way to digest a defeat that taking it with something of humour.