Very good news for the Barça Femení! The team of Jonatan Giráldez will contest the final of the Champions feminine in front of the Wolfsburgo the next 3 June in Eindhoven with the inducement to recover to one of his more important footballers. And it is that Lucy Bronze already would be entirely recovered of the injury of knee that suffered in front of Chelsea in the semifinals of the tournament.

Bronze Is list to play

Like this it has it desvelado the own player in an interview to 'GOAL', where ensured to be to the one hundred by one hundred for the commitment that can give him the second title of League of Champions to the Barça in his feminine category. "Everything is well. I am entirely recovered. I am available to play", sentenced the British defender.

It is important to remember that Bronze had to go through the operating theatre after falling lesionada the past 26 April in the gone of 'semis' in front of Chelsea in Stamford Bridge. Since it has not had minutes and has done internal works of recovery to be available in which it will be the fourth final of Champions of the Barcelona in the last five seasons.

Like this the things, the Barcelona will be able to have one of the most important players of the staff in front of the German group. However, it will be decision of the technician if it ranges it from the beginning or if it will use it like revulsivo in the saga for the second half, since it has not had competitive rhythm by more than a month.