The referee that purportedly abused to Ivan Rakitic in the Classical of pre-season that FC Barcelona and Real Madrid (3-2) contested in 2017 in United States, Jair Marrufo, went also the attendant to arbitrate this Saturday the final of the World-wide of Clubs between Real Madrid and To the Ain.

It fits to remember that, in July of 2017, Jair Marrufo jumped to the fame after some controversial statements of Ivan Rakitic, the one who after the party ensured that the referee had abused him until in three occasions, and that by this reason encaró with him during several seconds in a moment determined of the meeting, in an image that turned into viral.

Like this it explained it the Croat of the FC Barcelona: "Those that know me know that it is complicated to heat me, but the referee has achieved it. It has abused me thrice quite strong. I am used to to have a lot of respecto with them, but when they are missing it to me to me does not like me. It has wanted to position by on mine", explained Ivan Rakitic on the referee in question.

To his 41 years, said American referee of origin sudamericano has arbitrated in the Major League Soccer from the 2002, and in 2008 was appointed the Best Referee of the Season. Curiously, to the following year was suspedido by bad arbitration, what says a lot of his irregularity to the hour to arbitrate, and of his debatable attitude in moments like which narrated Rakitic does a year.

Jair Marrufo, a referee with experience

Along his career like referee already has pitado in several international tournaments, like the Glass Gold of the Concacaf and the Glass Centenarian America of 2016. Also it directed some meetings of the World-wide of Russia 2018, debuting in the party Belgium-Tunisia of phase of groups.

It possesses a big curriculum of international parties and especially in America, but has also some borrones as for example the situation that starred with Ivan Rakitic, and that did not come to tale since it treated of a friendly party between the two more important clubs of the world. It seems that to Jair Marrufo yielded in front of the tension of the moment, and went of the tongue. This, as long as the version of Rakitic was true.