Act of radical violence and injustificable in Málaga, where a fan of The Stick, team that played this past Sunday at night against the Alhaurín of the Tower, assaulted with two stabs to a player of the conjoint visitor, that thanks to the fast intervention of the medical services, players and assistants of both teams that found in the field has been able to save the life and finds at present hospitalizado, conscious and out of harm's way. The footballer of the Alhaurín of the Tower, of 25 years, received two navajazos in the torso, one in the thorax and another near of the heart, just after it finished the party in the field of Saint Ignacio in front of The Stick B.

The aggressor jumped to the field accompanied by "two or three people more", as they have notified some witnesses that witnessed of far the scene, and when the player headed to the changing rooms interposed in his way and began to abuse him, in a discussion that finish finally with the two stabs and the player thrown to hardly two metres of the entrance to the changing rooms.

The facts occurred to around the 21.45 hours, and for the moment the police has not achieved to detain to any of the involved. As it has informed recently "South" and other media, The Stick B was celebrating in these moments the victory (1-0) in the centre of the field after having won to the Alhaurín of the Tower in the relative appointment to the category of the Group 2 of the Third Andalusian. The triumph ermitía to The Stick rise of category of direct way, being the Alhaurín the most direct rival in the fight by the promotion.

The case is that a group of fans of The Stick invaded the terrain of game and, from among them, three or four directed to the footballer of the Alhaurín, that finished with two stabs. The youngster was attended on the lawn by a sanitary team, that sent him to continuation to the Hospital Carlos Have to Málaga after stabilising it. The player finds still ingresado, but already is out of harm's way and does not fear by his life. According to the sources consulted, in the conflict also would have resulted injured the second trainer of The Stick, that ran to help to the player of the Alhaurín to the percatarse of the aggression. The technician received navajazo in a leg that needed nine stitchs.

As they have informed some witnesses of the contention to "South", the detonante of the facts could have been the rifirrafe that the player apuñalado kept in some moments of the party with a defence of The Stick, that when seeming was substituted by his trainer to avoid an expulsion and that it could know to the aggressors and have some bond with them.