For the first time in the history of the Glass Libertadores, lived the súper classical Argentinian in the final: Mouth Juniors against River Plate. The meeting of gone did not defraud to anybody by the intensity with which lived and by the quantity of goals and occasions seen. The 'xeneizes' advanced in two occasions, but River finish empatando in both.

This Saturday, everything was had so that it lived a magic day in a historical party of turn, but again the scandal mounted by the most radical fans enturbió the previous of the party. Numerous incidents in the previous hours of the party converted the party in a regrettable show.

One of these incidents sucedió to the arrival of the coach of the players of Mouth Juniors. Big quantity of fans of River Plate expected them near of the Monumental stadium to launch them stones and cause flaws in the vehicle. Several glasses broke like consequence of the impact.

Besides, the radicals also attacked to the footballers xeneizes with gas pepper, causing them respiratory problems. Royco Ferrari, vice-president of Mouth Juniors, reported the attacks of the bloated of River Plate to his footballers. "They broke the windows of the micro and threw gas pepper", commented the director.

After the attacks and after the arrival of the players to the stadium, Rodolfo D'Onofrio, president of River Plate, attended to the changing room of Mouth Juniors to know at first hand how found the players and the technicians of his rival. Leaders of the CONMEBOL also did act of presence to evaluate the physical damages of the xeneizes.

Another of the bochornosas images that left the previous of the party was an inflates of River Plate hiding flares in the body of a girl. The video ran like the gunpowder by Internet and scandalised to the world by traspasar the limits of the ethical human. It hurts to see that the football serve of excuse to see this type of things.

Stones against the bus of Mouth Juniors