Cristiano Ronaldo is not indifferent in front of the cameras and every time that it can, leaves some detail to be topic of conversation in all the planet. This time, with the Eurocopa like stage, the Portuguese signed a new episode to turn into world-wide tendency thanks to his appearance in front of the media before the game in front of Hungary.

Two bottles of Coca Tail, a wall of customers behind the seat and a microphone, that was the tarima of Cristiano Ronaldo for this occasion and hardly arrived showed uncomfortable with the gaseous, to which did not remove him the look of on in the first second with a clear gesture of disapproval.

Finally it decided to remove them at the same time while it showed a bottle of natural water, saying "Water, this is, what Coca Tail", in a clear gesture of contempt in front of the famous world-wide mark that in the world of the football, follows being a bit by behind Pepsi, his main competitor.

This gesture of Christian turned into tendency quickly in the social networks to the long and width of the planet, even like a movement loable or respectable in terms of health, that is what more fits with the footballer that far of any movement mediático, has been always a portento physical.

Recently it spoke of his son saying that "sometimes it takes some gaseous or chip>s, knows that it does not like me, but wants to play with me", showing the requirement to which has to be subject a sportsman of his level at least during the years in active. Up to now, Coca Tail has not said at all.

Giant losses

It opened the market of the stock exchange after the sucedido and all was automatic: 4 millardos of euros in losses for the gaseous in relation to the value of his actions, that stabilised to the drop by fault of Cristiano Ronaldo, enemy of the house at least mediáticamente from this same instant.