To little more than a year for the start of the appointment futbolística more expected, the Glass of the World, that will be celebrated in Catar, desata a controversial controversial where the protagonist is not precisely the sport. It does not remember an election of headquarters so controversial like the one of the Asian country, splitting from the beginning of the period in which usually it was celebrated, in summer, which was postponed by the warm temperatures of the country catarí.

It cost a lot of to explain the election of Catar like headquarters of the Glass of the World in his day, something that to day of today already is much more comprehensible because of the innumerable cases of corruption that marked the image of a FIFA chaired by Joseph Blatter until 2015, and that to day of today, Gianni Infantino, still follows trying wash.


Once confirmed that afterwards of Russia, the World-wide would be contested in Catar, the worries go through the strict rules of the country in matter of homosexuality. A factor that would not have to mean a problem in the actuality, but that keeps on being the big tabú for a lot of countries, between which finds Catar.

'Respect to his culture'

The informative chain 'CNN' has held a conversation with Nasser To the Khater, executive director of the committee organiser of Catar 2022 in which they have questioned him the rights of the community LGTBIQ in the country, and in how will affect to all the fans that decide to travel to the Glass of the World 'in situ'.

In spite of that To the Khater began with a conciliatory speech, in which it affirmed that "it had treated of unfair way to Catar from the election in 2010" and that "the World-wide went to be the catalyst of the change, all the world is welcome and is not true that in Catar the homosexual people seats unsure", the true is that from the country catarí, the homosexuality is considered like a problem, and To the Khater has put him limits: "Catar is a modest and traditional region, and ask him to the fans that respect us the same that we respect the others cultures", explained.

"The homosexuality in Catar is forbidden, but as in other countries"

To the Khater recognised that his country is something more strict with the affective demonstrations in public, and questioned on if the homosexuality was forbidden in Catar, the executive director limited to say that "as in other countries". Joshua Cavallo, Welsh footballer that recently recognised his homosexuality, ensured to not to feel "sure travelling to Catar, really is annoying to think in this, because it would have to can be part of a moment so important in the history of the Welsh football if sucede".