The coronavirus has arrived to the football. According to the informations desveladas by the Italian newspaper 'The Nazione', a player of the Series C (the Italian equivalent of the Second Division B Spaniard) has given positive in the proofs and has turned into the first professional footballer in contracting the illness. The newspaper transalpino no desvela the name of the player, but yes that resides in the province of Siena.

The news desvelada by said media ensures that the footballer found badly before the dispute of a party and that finally did not play it, being subjected later to the pertinent proofs. "The Sunday happened this player had not been ranged by his team in the corresponding party to the Series C, after having accused of fever and general unrest before the meeting", explained the news.

'The Nazione' add, besides, that this same night arrived the results that confirmed that the player was infected: "The doctors decided to carry out the proof of the coronavirus to midnight and hours later arrived to the club the news of the positive result by the virus. When dawning an ambulance collected it to carry it to the department of illnesses infecciosas of Scotte gave Siena".

The chronicle of said media adds, besides, that the footballer put "voluntarily in quarantine" and that, in spite of that the proofs confirmed that it is ill of coronavirus, his state of health is good. It is necessary to remember that Italy is the European country more affected by the illness and that even the Barça, before measuring to the Naples, subjected to controls for the same end.

A journalist that travelled to Milan with Valencia, infected

To the of this footballer of Siena it is necessary to add the one of a journalist that does scarce days travelled to Milan with the Valency to cover the informations of the party of the Champions League between Atalanta and the team che and that also has been diagnosed with coronavirus. After finding badly, also made the proofs and gave positive, although his state of health also is good.

The newspaper The Provinces published some statements of the journalist explaining his situation. "I am very perfect. Have the symptoms of a flu but at all more. I find me well, I am calm and very very attended. By responsibility was to the doctor and derived me to the hospital to do me the proofs. It had been in Milan and think that my obligation was to attend. Yesterday Wednesday did not go to work. For real, the symptoms that have would not prevent me go to work but did me the proofs by pure responsibility. That anybody alarm , am perfect", commented.