Frenkie Of Jong was one of the players stood out of the Ajax of Amsterdam in the apabullante goleada lumbered with to the Real Madrid in Santiago Bernabéu. Players like Tadic, Neres and Schone highlighted his performances to base of golazos, but the balance that contributed Of Jong to the centre of the field 'ajacied', always in the correct place and with sublime technical details, did not happen unobserved for the international press.

From here that some of the main sportive means of around the world did upsetting in the 'fichajazo' that has closed the FC Barcelona of face to the next season 2019-20, highlighting mainly the 'experience' and cold blood with which is used to to play Frenkie of Jong in spite of having so only 21 years, being already for the time being one of the best midfield players of the world.

The recital of Frenkie of Jong received the recognition of the experts in international football, what has to be a reason more than satisfaction for a FC Barcelona that it will be able to enjoy of the young Dutch midfield player very soon, in hardly some months. Until then, it expects that Of Jong follow accumulating praises like which have devoted him the following means:

- France Football: "Maybe Dusan Tadic was playing the party of his life. And maybe Frenkie of Jong wanted to destroy to the Real like a future blaugrana that it is. In any case, these men (in addition to Lasse Schöne and Donny Go Of Beek) dominated escandalosamente the half field", ensures the newspaper commissioned to deliver the Balloon of Gold annually.

- L'Équipe: "The Barcelonan future Of Jong lost very few balloons. Also it expects in Catalonia to the captain Of Ligt, of 19 years, has showed once again that it was one of the most promising defenders of the world", writes the prestigious French newspaper, standing out the possibility that the FC Barcelona fiche in the next months also to Matthijs of Ligt.

- The Gazzetta Dello Sport: "The Catalan Of Jong. In everything is Frenkie, been born for the football in the Willem II and afterwards grew in the Ajax, crystalline talent of big vision of the game and a progression that did to alert to the Barcelona: the blaugrana have blocked it for the next season paying him around 75 million euros. It promised to delete to the Real with his new team, and succeeded: the best card of visit to land in the Camp Nou", explaya the Italian newspaper in this regard of the party of Of Jong and of his signing by the Barça.

- Voetbal International: "Incredible how played Frenkie of Jong in front of Luka Modric". "The Ajax follows especially the steps of himself same", can read in the pages of the quoted Dutch newspaper, where all the journalists are loved of the hatching of the young Dutch talent.

Also the Spanish press praised to Of Jong

- Mark: "With the balloon, Of Jong imposed his law. What forms to handle the spaces". "The youngsters 'ajacied' break a dynasty with a young and blatant team, that probably do not win the title, but that renews the competition with his cheerful and forceful style. They are a model even for clubs more powerful and with better list of winners like the Barcelona", stands out the newspaper 'Mark'.

- ACE: "it Remained the bathroom of the Ajax to a pelele, a team histérico, desbordado to his backs by the diagonal balloons in depth and by the genialidad of Tadic; (...) Surpassed by the swell of Of Jong, Schöne and Go of Beek in the centre", explains instead the newspaper 'ACE', centring more in the conjoint work of the centre of the field of the Ajax and without focalizar so much in Of Jong.

In definite, what is clear is that the big performance of Frenkie of Jong against the Real Madrid has not fallen in sack broken, but the international press recognises and encumbra to the young Dutch talent, hardly some months before it dress the T-shirt of the FC Barcelona. These last days, all the winds seem to blow in favour of the Barça.