The past 28 May, during the course of the final of the UEFA Champions League 2015-16 won by the Real Madrid to the Athletic, Gary Lineker could not contain through the social networks and abused to the central of the Real Madrid, Pepe, for being so teatrero, pretend aggressions of the rival players and, besides, play dirty with patadas and entrances to destiempo.

That day, were varied the ex footballers that, as Gary Lineker, regretted the attitude of the player merengue and abused him in the social networks. Lineker Called him "gilipollas" to the not being able to control, whereas on the lawn the footballers and athletic fans showed really outraged with the luso, pitándole.

Lineker, besides, commanded two "almost exact" tweets on 28 May in which it abused to Pepe. "Pepe is such to dick!", it went the first, whereas the second was something more superlative. "Pepe is an enormous dick!". The third of them, written this past Tuesday 14 June, has not remained backwards and has followed the tonic of the two previous: "Pepe is to gigantic dick".

It is the conclusion to which has arrived Lineker after seeing play to Pepe during the last parties with the Real Madrid and the selection of Portugal. A central in a lot of occasions rastrero and faithful to the foul play, and that does not doubt in doing what was necessary to try take out a beneficial result for his team, although this comport attitudes antideportivas.