To so only a week after the UEFA prevented to the Bayern Munich light his stadium, the Allianz Sand, with the colours of the arcoíris with reason to the duel between Germany vs Hungary of the phase of groups of the Eurocopa 2020 generating a big controversial, returns the wave of criticisms because of a new supposition attack against the community LGTBI+.

In this opportunity, all has come sucediendo by the viralización of an apparently false information issued by Dutch means. Through said means, informed that the police of Budapest purportedly was requisitioning the flag LGTBI+ to the fans that carried it.

This requisitions to the flags there would be sucedido during the previous of the commitment that contested this Sunday the selection of Holland in front of the Czech Republic, party that finalised with victory in favour of the Czechs (0-2), finishing like this with the incursion of the 'oranje' in the Eurocopa 2020.

The negation of the UEFA

In front of this controversial new stage, the UEFA has decided to issue a communiqué to deny the facts: "On the contrary that signal some means of Holland, the UEFA wants to clear that it has not forbidden to carry any flag with the colours of the arcoíris in the zone of fans of Budapest, which is under responsibility of the local authorities. The UEFA allow any type of symbols in this zone".

"The UEFA has informed to the Hungarian Federation of Football that the colours of the arcoíris are not a political message and on line with the campaign of the UEFA "Equal Game" that struggles against all type of discrimination, included that against the community LGTBI, the flag of the arcoíris is welcome in the stadium", has concluded the European organ.