What less curious the new announcement that stars the díscolo trainer of the Manchester United, José Mourinho. The Portuguese technician is the visible face of the new commercial of the mark cervecera "Heineken", one of the sponsors of the UEFA Champions League.

In the "spot" in question, Mourinho promotes the UEFA Champions League with a motivational speech to some fictitious players, something that calls the attention and has some humorous point taking into account that this season, for the first time in a lot of years, José Mourinho will not be present in the Champions League when training to a Manchester United that did not classify for her the past season.

In the announcement, revealed by the own mark "Heineken" through his account of Twitter, simulates a talk of José Mourinho previous to a very important party of the European competition. The trainer luso says to his players: "it Arrives the hour of the truth, no, arrives the moment for which have been born, this is thenight . Forget you of the past, of the future, lives the now".

The motivational speech of José Mourinho does not finish here, but it continues: "Alzáos no like a man but like a legion. Tonight you are not men, are titanes. You go to be legend". It results curious, in definite, that Mourinho have been the elected to participate in the announcement, taking into account that this Thursday will initiate his career in the UEFA Europe League with the Manchester United. The "network devils" that, by the way, lost the past weekend against the Manchester City of Pep Guardiola in Old Trafford.