Radamel Falcao Will be better or worse valued by the fans and experts of the international football, but of what there is not any doubt is of the main quality of the Colombian forward: the goal. This weekend fulfilled 33 years, and did it marking in front of the Montpellier in Tie it 1 and showing, therefore, that follows having still a lot of gunpowder in the boots.

The 'Tiger' arrived in the last hours to the 306 marked goals along his career futbolística, with until eight distinct T-shirts, and is ilusionado with the possibility to reach the record of goals that has Víctor Hugo Aristizábal, the one who marked 348 official goals between the distinct clubs in which militó and the selection of Colombia.

To his 33 years, Radamel Falcao can boast to having marked 306 goals divided between the following teams: Lanceros (2), River Plate (45), FC Carry (72), Athletic of Madrid (70), Manchester United (4), Chelsea (1), ACE Monaco (77) and Selection of Colombia (35). The ariete 'cafetero' has seen door with ease in almost all the clubs in which it has militado, and in his day sounded in several occasions for the Barça.

Of course now it would be a madness ficharle with 33 years, but if the FC Barcelona had done it some years before, possibly would have had in the staff to a relief of guarantees for Luis Suárez in the position of 'nine', going out from the bench when it was necessary and understanding to perfection so much with the Uruguayan as with Leo Messi.

Falcao Already showed a big adaptation to LaLiga when it was a member of the Athletic of Madrid, where was one of the big 'cracks' of the group 'colchonero' before this him traspasara to the ACE Monaco, club where Falcao follows goleando in spite of having lived some adventures abroad, mainly in a Premier League to which never adapted .

The Barcelona did not bet by the signing of Falcao

The Colombian forward accumulates big registers goleadores that indicate his prestige and offensive capacity, further that some criticise his style of game and ensure that, by his characteristics, never could have fit in the FC Barcelona. The true is that never we will know it, but sure that to more than a fan would have liked him see to this goleador of world-wide class with the elastic Barcelona.

Now, to his 33 years, little remains him for the withdrawal of the elite of the international football. Before this suceda, will try 'save' of the descent to the ACE Monaco this season 2018-19 in Tie it 1, and little by little approach to the numbers of his compatriot Víctor Hugo Aristizábal, to the one who has to 42 goals of distance. It will attain to reach him? And with which T-shirt? The time will give us all the answers.