In 2013, Robson of Souza, better known like Robinho, was accused in Milan, Italy, for participating in a rape to a youngster of Albanian origin that celebrated his birthday number 23 in a nocturnal club. When it knew the indictment, the then forward of the AC Milan denied it everything, although it already had an antecedent of a similar case in his go through the Premier League. Seven years after the fact, the Italian justice has signalled to Robinho like culprit and condemns him to nine years of prison by the crime.

Robinho happened to be considered one of the most important figures of the football and to be the 'successor of Peeled' to see wrapped in judicial problems by his acts out of the terrain of game. The Brazilian left the balloon at the side and offered his worst image like person. With the happen of the years, has changed the history of the rape and the justice has finished condemning him.

After the complaints, in 2014, the ex player of the Real Madrid or Manchester City denied all the indictments, affirming that the fact never there was sucedido. However, this year it went back to pronounce and changed (or added supposed details) of what happened with the Albanian youngster. The first report that it was denied by the Brazilian, said that he and one of his friends, Ricardo Falco, participated in a collective rape during a party in a discotheque of the Italian city.

During an interview to the portal 'UOL Esporte' in November, Robinho ensured that it had not violated or abused of anybody and that his error had been to not to be him faithful to his wife, affirming that "I did not have sexual relation with her. It did not arrive to have any sexual relation, any penetration, at all of this", signalled Robinho. It ensured that he and the youngster began to "have contact with consent".

However, the justice finished valuing to the young and condemned to the player. "This sentence is an example for the tutela of the women and shows that the system works, when it does fault", said the lawyer of the girl, Jacopo Gnocchi, in some statements collected by the Italian means.

Curiously, in the year 2009, when it played in the Manchester City, the footballer was investigated by the English justice by a presumptive rape in a nocturnal club of Leeds. After an interrogation, was put in freedom and did not have any juridical consequence in the moment.

Robinho went to be again player of the Saints

It does few months, the Saints of Brazil had announced the incorporation of the forward of 36 years, the one who had accessed to go down the wage to help to the team in the critical situation (sportive and economic) that lives. However, few days after the announcement, the Brazilian team communicated that it did not go to carry out the incorporation, by the moments, since they wanted that Robinho could "concentrate exclusively in his defence in the process that passes in Italy".