The ex forward of the FC Barcelona has offered statements for Mark in which it relates part of his go through the Real Madrid and even has ensured that some fans in the capital regret that the Cameroonian have not been able to keep in the club by more time of the that was.

When being asked on his visits to the Spanish capital Eto'or sustains that it still is admired by the white fans: "When it was in active, any, guided by the emotions, said me some cosita... But now it is different. They say me: 'Which penalty, Samu, that could not play in our team!' But yes, already I am a bit old for this. The life is as it is".

Likewise, it has expressed his gratitude by the opportunity that the Madrilenian institution gave him in his moment, independently of what have occurred afterwards: "Always I will be him appreciated to the entity, further of the decisions that took some people. The presidents take decisions, but to the Madrid always will carry it always in the heart".

Eto'Or has clear to the winner of the Balloon of Gold

Regarding the award to the best player of the world that is for delivering , only has in mind a name: "Always to Messi, that is like a small brother for me. I appreciate him a lot like person and like player... I saw it grow and have him a special love. For me it keeps on being the best of the world".

Nevertheless, it has indicated that also there are other big players in the fight by the prize, between them one of the Real Madrid: "If we remove to Leo, hay others that like me, like Benzema. It is a player that loves me. It has gone Christian and he has loaded the team to his backs".