The Manchester City follows his career with firm step to the title of the Premier League and this weekend achieved golear of conclusive form to the Tottenham by 4-1. The pupilos of Pep Guardiola have a big advantage with regard to his perseguidores in the Premier League and have converted also in one of the favourite teams for the Champions League.

The technician of Sampedor achieved to situate to the 'cityzens' as indisputable leaders to 11 points of the competition. A too appetizing situation as to leave escape to the technician that has achieved to change a losing tendency in the team of Manchester. That's why the English club wants to take measures with his trainer.

Mimarle Is essential. The Manchester City wants to convert to Pep Guardiola in the better trainer paid of the world futbolístico. At present, it keeps the agreement that signed when it was fichado by the English team. At present, the technician of Sampedor earns some 16 million annual pounds.

The City wants to renew him, since it signed by only three seasons, but increasing his index card substantially. Of the 16 current millions, would happen to earn 22 'kilos' by season, as it informs Mark. An offer too golosa for a trainer that feels so comfortable in his current club like the entity with him.

It made history

Pep Guardiola is of sweet in his second season training and directing to the Manchester City and achieved to equalise to Antonio Conte winning during thrice consecutive the prize of the trainer of the month in the Premier League. September, October and November have had to the technician of Sampedor like awarded.