There was a day in which Zlatan Ibrahimovic was like the rest of youngsters that played to the balloon in the street and dreamed in turning into these idols that saw by the television. This Swedish youngster that hallucinated with the World-wide of France 98, with this selection led by Zinedine Zidane and, especially, with the power of the youngster Ronaldo at the head of Brazil.

In a recent interview for "United Review", program of the television of the Manchester Untied, "Ibra" confessed that "the Phenomenon" was his idol. "It wanted to resemble me he", confirmed with semblante serious, as always.

"It did of difficult situations something truly magic. It thought that it did not exist a footballer the same before and think it now", continued adding Zlatan. An Ibrahimovic that now golea for the United of José Mourinho with the fame to believe the best of the world, although it was only a character.

Ronaldo and a World-wide that marked him so much that remembers the final France-Brasil in which the attacker carioca appeared having suffered an attack of epilepsy days backwards. "If it had to choose a party would choose that because it played it Ronaldo. Also it was Zidane. They are players by which is worth it to see a party", concluded.