Cristiano Ronaldo, Fabián Ruiz, Lautaro Martínez and the rest of stars of the Series To will be able to go back to train beside his mates from 18 May, as it has announced in the last hours the prime minister of Italy, Giuseppe Conte. The Calcium and all the Italian sport already have date to return to the activity, although still there is not it so that they restart the competitions.

The sportsmen will be able to train of individual form from 4 May, whereas the sports of team will do it from the day 18, date in which it foresees that all the teams of the Series To return to the work in his respective installations. The first European country in which it began to azotar with hardness the coronavirus, therefore, implements like this the second phase of the desescalada when being the more or less controlled situation largely of the territory.

"I love the football and these days seemed me very rare live without the Calcium, without the Series To, but is what touched. Now they return the trainings, and more forward will see if they will be able to restart the championships", has signalled Beppe Conte in his statements, in spite of that of course that was not a priority for the Italian citizenship, still with hundreds of contagions and demises daily.

It was or no hit the decision of Conte, the reality is that the Italian clubs will be able to program special sessions from the day 4 May, with treatment individualizado during two weeks, until the trainings can make with normality.

The return of the Series To, still without date

The citizens that wish to practise sport will be able to do it also from the day 4, although respecting the two metres of social distance. Of equal way will be able to access to parks, the visit to familiar and the celebration of sepelios, always attending to the measures of security dictated from the Italian government. From this day, the Italian restoration will be able to return to some activity.

In any case, it will be necessary to see if this decisive step of Conte finish giving on firm floor or sands movedizas. And it is that no descarta a turn to backwards if, days after they activate these measures, the contagions begin to multiply again. For now, the Series To will follow expecting to restart and does not foresee that it do it until the month of June... If the situation allows it.