The players of Paris Saint-Germain, Ángel Gave María and Marquinhos suffered thefts in his domiciles. In the case of the Argentinian, had not done of violence, something that yes occurred in the case of the Brazilian, as it has been able to confirm the French press in the last hours in accordance with near sources.

In the residence of the family of Marquinhos in Yvelines, situated in the vicinities of the department of Hauts-of-Seine, there was an allanamiento of violent way according to the information collected by the Agence France Presse (AFP). In his case, the theft did not report in the main house.

Between the witnesses of the fact was the father of the player. Nevertheless, they did not register injured during the irruption, although yes they attained to undress to several members of the family of his bags, between other personal belongings. Until the moment, desconoce the value of the objects stolen.

Big losses in the house of Gave María

In the theft to the house of Gave María, the family did not see to the thieves. Even from the police sustain that the woman could not notice the moment in that the criminals burst into in his house and opened the strong box, in spite of that yes there were present people in the house, according to the preliminary conclusions of the investigations carried out by the Brigade for the Repression of the Bandolerismo (BRB).

Objects of value, like clocks and jewels, were embezzled of his house near of the 21:00 of the Sunday, when the player found in the Park of the Princes confronting to the Nantes by a commitment suspender belt of the that was withdrawn minutes after a discussion between Leonardo and Pochettino. It estimates that the losses are inferior to the 500.000 euros.