The Icelandic aerial company 'Icelandair' has wanted to command a message of support to his players, that this Sunday begin the Eurocopa feminine -of which are, neither much less, favourite-. Through the life of a girl that suffers big difficulties to be able to enjoy of his passion but that finish triumphing in the selection, the announcement pretends insuflar confidence to the Icelandics so that they win equally all the adversities.

Possibly we are in front of the best announcement of all the 2017. By the message, the setting, the feeling that there is behind... And it has not done it neither Nike neither Adidas. An aerial company to encourage to all a country that dreams with making history. 

Iceland did not classify to the last world-wide feminine in 2015, and remained deleted in quarter-finals of the Eurocopa 2013 when falling 4-0 in front of Sweden in quarter-finals. The Nordic selection is 19ª in the echelon FIFA.

A message for reflexionar

At the end, the video closes with the sentence "Never leave that the adversity prevail. It struggles by Iceland!". Without having a concrete predilection by a selection, is evident that in FCBN support the courage and this type of audiovisual documents. Our admiration already have it. That have luck.