After a very agitated weekend after the announcement of the exit of Xavi Hernández, the FC Barcelona added a triumph balsámico in front of the Osasuna (1-0) to be still in the fight by LaLiga. Vitor Roque Converted the only so much of a party where the Barça deserved to win by an upper margin in the complement, but finish suffering more than the account in the final stretch. Like this we saw to the Barcelona group in front of the 'rojillos' in Montjuïc:

Iñaki Crag: Dubitativo

It was a viewer more in a first part where did not première his gloves. In the complement, had a pulled fruitless in front of a finish of Raúl García that it crashed in the stick and a pair of bad exits in the discount after balloons stopped in where the Osasuna was very near to attain a tie that would have been unfair.

Jules Koundé: Incisive

Had the two clearer of the Barça, both of head, in the first part. It returned to the right side by the drops of Balde, Iñigo and Marcos Alonso, with a performance reivindicativa so much in the defensive as in attack.

Ronald Araújo: Sacrificed

In spite of not being to tope physically, the '4' was again the first head office of the team, completing a first quite calm part thanks to the scarce rises of the Osasuna. In the second part saw quite exhausted, but completed again the 90 minutes.

Pau Cubarsí: Orderly

In his second party like titling, the canterano completed another good performance. Very ordered in the mark, had few sobresaltos covering to Budimir, with exception of a corner where the forward 'rojillo' cabeceó totally only. By low, Pau was correct, going out in some opportunities with balloon to break lines.

Joao Cancel: Asistidor

The luso returned to the eleven like left side and assisted to Vitor Roque in the minute 63 with the outside of the right foot. In the first part, Areso caused him a cut in the eyebrow and, almost in all the party, was installed in rival field like extreme, a constant since it arrived to the Barça.

Frenkie Of Jong: Jugón

Only it had a distraction in all the party that almost costs him the tie to the Barça, with a bad pass that propició the confined of Raúl García that finish finishing direct crusader to the stick. Further of this punctual action, completed a good party like director of orchestra of the centre of the field culé, sure when delivering balloons and very positioned like pivote.

Ílkay Gündogan: Desconectado

The German had a very toneless night, absent in the creation and desconectado in the ending. In the beginning of the second part went in more at stake, wasting a very clear occasion to the not reaching to finish a centre to the second stick served by Pedri.

Pedri: Intense

Pedri Was the most creative of a Barça dense in the first part. It created danger in three chambers of field and gave a hand to Frenkie in the recovery. In the complement was of more to less, going out in the minute 77 because of the physical wear.

Ferran Torres: Lesionado

The one of Foiós grieve could hold five minutes before leaving lesionado by a prick in the back of the right thigh that has bad paints. It left to the changing room between tears, leaving his place in the field to Fermín.

Lamine Yamal: Brave

The juvenile was again the most intense of the attack culé, being a headache for Johan Mojica all night. It brushed the 2-0 in the 70' with a big played individual that culminated with a finish to the body of Aitor Fernández. In spite of his youth, the extreme shows increasingly personality and desparpajo like titling.

Robert Lewandowski: Gafado

It forced the first yellow to Unai García and tried it with a pair of finish in the first part, without luck. In the complement, was more isolated after the entry of Vitor Roque and converted a so much in clear offside. Like this, it completed another quite grey party and prolonging his bad series in LaLiga.

Fermín López: Enchufado

Fermín replaced to Ferran after the injury of the Valencian and, although it was replaced happened the hour of game, completed a good performance giving it all physically. The one of The Campillo was the soul and lung of the team like false left extreme, stepping the area with assiduity and trying 'wet' with two finish that they left diverted. Also it gave a hand in the mark, recovering some balloons when the Osasuna looked for contragolpear.

Vitor Roque: Goleador

The Brazilian premièred like goleador in the Barça with a head butt in the first balloon that touched. 'Tigrinho' Took advantage of a centre with the outside to anticipate to Aitor Fernández and connect with the parietal direct at the end of the network. Minutes later, the one of Timóteo propició the expulsion of Unai García when winning him the hammer to the central 'rojillo', the one who saw the second yellow by the fault. Inexplicably, neither Figueroa Vászquez neither the VAR sanctioned a clear agarrón in the area of Areso on the ex Athletico Paranaense.

Oriol Romeu: Testimonial

Ingresó By Pedri in the 77' to freshen a centre of the field that lució exhausted in the final stretch. Had little incidence in the minutes that played.