The Real Madrid apparently will not go out very very stopped of his crusade against the collegiate Juan Martínez Munuera. The cast merengue reported to the judge in front of the Referee's Technical Committee for omitting in the record of the party between Osasuna and the Real Madrid, contested in The Sadar the past Saturday, the presumptive insults of which would have been victim Vinicius Jr. By part of the fans of the combined 'rojillo', that purportedly entonó the chant "Vinicius, die you!".

Nevertheless, the Referee's Technical Committee did not back this indictment and showed his support to the referee Martínez Munuera. They issued a communiqué in which they affirmed that andl Valencian referee no percató of the insults to the '7' of the picture of Chamartín neither received reports in this regard by part of the players of the Madrilenian picture, by what could not include these facts in the referee's record.

The communiqué of the patronal to back to Martínez Munuera

Now it has been LaLiga has gone out in defence of Martínez Munuera with a conclusive communiqué, expressing his absolute rejection to the complaint of the Real Madrid and showing his support to the referee and to the referee's community Spanish. "The Commission Delegated of LaLiga, gathered in the day of today, wishes, as a result of the complaint that the Real Madrid CF has formulated against the referee Martínez Munuera in front of the Committee of Discipline of the Real Spanish Federation of Football, manifest his absolute rejection to the complaint presented by the Real Madrid CF and express his support without ambages to D. Juan Martínez Munuera and, by extension, to the referee's community Spanish", would begin saying the communiqué.

In this sense, the Commission Delegated of LaLiga also took advantage of for recalcar his wish to turn into an organism garante of the peace in the local tournament and "delete any form of violence, racism, xenofobia and intolerance in the football". They left in clear his serious intention to carry out numerous campaigns of awareness and prevention, as well as to report any unsuitable behaviour that occur in any one of his tournaments, as LaLiga EA Sports, LaLiga Hypermotion and others, in front of the Committee of Discipline of the RFEF and the State Commission against the Violence, the Racism, the Xenofobia and the Intolerance in the Sport of the CSD.

The 'sticks' of the Commission Delegated of LaLiga against the Real Madrid

Here it is where perhaps reflects him the most conclusive part of the communiqué, where Commission Delegated of LaLiga criticises directly to the Real Madrid CF, describing this complaint like a "campaign undertaken by the Real Madrid CF against the Spanish referees, with the presumable intention of presionar to said estamento, so as to obtain a competitive advantage with the decisions that said community has to take". Equally, it takes advantage of for elogiar again the work of Martínez Munuera, affirming that "his performance has been flawless and has adjusted escrupulosamente to the rule that governs the referee's performance".

Finally, Commission Delegated of LaLiga emphasizes the need to avoid any behaviour that undermine the integrity of the competition, expressing his "worry and rejection in front of this type of performances made repeatedly by the Real Madrid CF that go against of said values". This is a conclusive answer, and will be interesting to see if there is some type of reply by part of the combined white, square that every time seems to have more disputes with the patronal and the referee's body.