After the press conference offered by Luis Rubiales, president of the Real Spanish Federation of Football, where explained several details on the audios filtered by 'The Confidential', the mandator attended to an interview in 'The Partidazo' of the 'Chain COPE'. In her, it spoke of his wage, of the conversations and requests of Gerard Hammered, and of the Supercopa of Spain.

It began being questioned by the emolumentos that receives, which for many would have to be fixed. "Well, it went like this and also there was a pile of criticisms, a pile of: 'Claro, Luis Rubiales, how negotiates the sponsorships'. Why we have done this like this? A lot of presidents of sportive Spanish federations have the variable to success exactly equal. What have done is to copy to have the lower possible problem. Have the variable lower that there is. Others earn 3 millions. I asked a fixed wage and said me that this would chain to the Federation to have a wage X go well or go badly. What want to is that the wage was better if it goes well or the other way around", affirmed the mandator, that also ensures that the difference in his wage because the Madrid and Barça go or no to the Supercopa is of 3.000 euros.

Also they said him that it won more than Ángel Villar, ancient president of the RFEF. "Well But it is that when I found me to the Federation, this generated 146 million euros of income. In these four years almost all the Federations have sunk and we are above the 400 millions. We were the ninth of Europe and now are litigating for being the first with England, that is an atrocity by the difference of licences and of population", added Rubiales.

Besides, it cleared that it is impossible to win the same play the one who play. "I have explained it. In the final of the Glass of the King neither wins the same if they go ones or if they go others, because the rights of television that sell of way individualizada in all the countries. They are expecting all the countries to see the one who plays it. And if they play it X teams pay you 4 or 5 times more", added.

Suspicions of the Supercopa and good roll with Hammered

It took advantage of to give his point of view on the suspicions of the competition. "I what understand is that here there has been a so bestial campaign, a so bestial hunting, with false news, with an explosive headline liar that said that we had pactado commissions. When desinforma and manipulates the information happen these things. Then there are people desinformada. Apart from that they have stolen me my privacy and is in hands of criminals, have another campaign more than desprestigio like which already have lived", ensures the exfutbolista.

It wanted to speak on his become friends with Hammered, that has been duramente criticised. "Yes, but I have played against him. I knew it when it was a child that played in the Real Saragossa. I listened you and when you say compadreo, I would say that it is more compañerismo. We have coincided and I have played against him. Afterwards it has been footballer of the Selection. Have good relation with him and with other players that also call me 'Rubi'", aimed.

It mentioned the normality that the footballers ask him assist to the Olympic games. "I when I take the telephone say them: 'I will speak with him (Luis de la Fuente) and will say it to him, do not concern you. Luck and an embrace'. And when I have spoken with De la Fuente have said it to him and he, that is a big professional, spectacular, has done what has wanted. The case of Gerard, he already had said that it did not go back to the Selection. Then, what create is that the want to that they know that it is here".

Scandal and the filters

Near to finalise, left clear his posture on if I Hammered had to or not avoiding the scandal. "Already, but I am president of the Spanish Federation of Football and work for the Spanish football. If Kosmos brings us an offer of Saudi Arabia and puts us 40 millions... No everything is the money... Ask it to him to the clubs of Second B and Third that would have disappeared", expressed.

Finally, it spoke of the possibility to change the filters. "Why I go to change the filters? It does not like me do hypothesis that have not given . But in this case, Kosmos brings us a possibility of business and what have to do, renounce to this?", it concluded Rubiales.