The Superliga European, tournament promoted mainly by the FC Barcelona and the Real Madrid, keeps on being object of a lot of discussion. Recently, a sentence of the Court of the Mercantile number 17 of Madrid answered to the indictment made to the FIFA and the UEFA to abuse of his dominant position in the organisation of continental and world-wide championships. This sentence carried to the referred body to estimate partially the demand and urge to both organisms to "cease in his behaviours anticompetitivas". This has generated some reactions between the main detractores of this controversial contest.

One of them was Javier Thebes, president of LaLiga, the one who expressed again his opposition to the Superliga European through his social networks. "On the partial estimate of the demand of European Superleague, is important to clear that (on the same line that the TJUE) the Judge demands to FIFA and UEFA a regulation on new transparent competitions and garantista, but does not validate the Superliga. It is more, it considers an abandoned project in his initial terms. Neither the sentence is firm neither contributes at all new significant", aseveró the mandator.

To his time, in reply to this sentence, LaLiga like organisation also has expressed his posture, backing to a large extent the words of his maximum representative. The patronal leaves clear that the sentence "does not endorse the Superliga European" and reiterates that "it does not judge the abandoned project of the Superliga". Besides, it recognises the modifications made by the UEFA in his rule of permission of competitions.

The communiqué of LaLiga in reply to this sentence

To expose with greater clarity his posture, the patronal issued an extensive communiqué in which it explains, between other things, that the Court of the Mercantile number 17 of Madrid has left clear in his sentence that "whereas the Superliga in the initially posed terms in the demand, that is to say, satisfied the initial project –in the terms that are recorded in the demand- that has been abandoned and already has been descartado by the own impulsoras, the pedimentos in relation with this owe equally wane".

In this line, LaLiga explains that this judicial sentence exposes that they can not make imposiciones future to the project, since "admit the contrary would suppose to accept a luck of protection or blindaje of any project of competition futbolística that it was presented by the demandantes, which is not acceptable".

In this sense, the body rector of the tournament of Spanish football also stands out the fact that the Court of the Mercantile number 17 of Madrid asevera explicitly that they find "in front of a normative conflict that affects to the organisational model of the football; it will correspond to the intervinientes his modification and back adaptation; this does not determine that it was object of the procedure the permission of any competition, but seat the bases to pipe a system of free competition of organisation of competitions of football".

The sentence does not represent a significant change in the illegitimacy of the Superliga...

To his time, LaLiga goes back to underline that this sentence does not represent a significant change in the illegitimacy of the Superliga. It accuses that it is the same jueza the one who exposes it in the sentence, saying: "this juzgadora already has exposed in infinity of occasions, that has not requested and does not go to resolve on the permission project of the Superliga", contradicting what the impulsores of the Superliga and his media associated have aseverado during long.

To conclude, the organism chaired by Javier Thebes exaltó that the Court of the Mercantile of Madrid has recognised in his sentence that "the UEFA in the year 2022 has modified the rule of the system of previous permission so that it has 'encoded' and completed existent", which is on line with it dictaminado by the Court of Justice of the European Union does some months.