As they have confirmed "Sport" and "MD", in base to the communiqué of FC Barcelona and the City council of Barcelona, this Saturday there will be rúa of celebration by the streets of the City Condal in the case that the culés conquer the title of League BBVA 2015-16 in Granada. The party plays to the 17.00 hours and will finish around the 19.00 hours, by what the staff and the technical body could not eastar again in Barcelona until the 23.00 hours.

In this sense, the City council of Barcelona and the FC Barcelona, by reasons of security, think that a celebration of such magnitude to these hours of the night could generate all type of altercations and negative consequences, by part of maleantes and criminals that can take advantage of to make violent acts and ocasionar flaws. 

The rúa, of this way, will postpone until the final of the Glass of Rey, by what the FC Barcelona will have the opportunity to celebrate the two titles of conjoint way, although it will be very decaffeinated in the case that the culés lose the final of Glass against the Seville in Vicente Calderón.

Another of the reasons by which suspends the rúa of the Saturday is the coincidence with the concert of Bruce Springsteen, that celebrates in the Camp Nou, in addition to the celebration of another big sportive event that affects to the city, as it is the GP of Spain of Formula 1 in the Circuit of Montmeló.

In this coyuntura, expects that the FC Barcelona can celebrate of here to little more than a week the rúa of the "doublet" of League BBVA and Glass of Rey. The positive factor is that, if there are not back celebrations to the title of League, the team will be much more concentrated and less distracted for the final of Glass. They remain two parties for the success culé.