They imagine that a club homenajee to a rival player that never has played in his worse club by the simple fact to be the best of the world? Truth that in Spain no? As the CD Leganés himself that believes in this. The "pepineros" have disembarked in First Division for the first time in the history with the idea that it was not the only and, especially, boost a healthy rivalry as well as become friends with the rest of clubs.

Thus it does not surprise, for which know to the Madrilenian entity or have seen the big recibimiento of Butarque to the fans of the Athletic of Madrid, the new that have prepared for the meeting in front of the FC Barcelona. Everything with a homage to Leo Messi, to the which designate like D10S in a genial advertising poster of the crash.

"That it was what D10S want to… or no", prays said poster and in which it can see the silhouette of "the Flea" celebrating one of his goals like professional player. A message that in addition to being a homage is a warning with that "or no", boosting the already commented healthy rivalry between all. The creators of this, Sergio Cid and Alberto Pascual, the boys of Hugin&Munin, explained for "ACE" as it was born the idea.

"We is that we are very of Messi", confirmed Sergio, that adds "and no, are not of the Barça", rushes to correct. "We are of the football, and if you mola the football, has to you molar Messi", sustained. The idea, like desvelan, was born the same day of the promotion to First in Anduva. "In full euphoria hesitated with what would do when it came the Barça. Alberto soltó: 'That it was what God want. We go, what Messi want to'. Us descojonamos and lit us the light bulb. Already we had poster!", it confirmed.

And like this it was born the homage to the football, to the balompié of antaño where there was not so much fan enajenado and could go to a field, went of the rival that went, to enjoy of the most beautiful sport of the world. What go back this football by Messi... I say for God's sake, that go back for God's sake.