The BOE has made public the collective agreement that regulates the minimum wages of First and Second Division, in some data that are causing big controversial by the quantity of money that earn all the footballers, included the less known

As it has published "", the BOE has made public the minimum wages that earn the players of First and Second Spanish Division, as well as other conditions stipulated in the collective agreement that regulates and protects the rights of the footballers. The minimum wage in the League BBVA is of 129.000 annual euros, fourteen times more than the minimum wage interprofesional, of 9.034 euros to the year. These are some of the conditions that appear:

- Minimum wage of 129.000 annual euros for players of First
- Minimum wage of 64.500 annual euros for players of Second
- A day and half of party to the week like minimum
- Holidays of 23 September to 2 January (will not program official parties during this period)
- Day of no more than seven hours to the day