Germany converted this past Monday in the first selection in certifying his presence in the next World-wide of Qatar 2022. The ones of Hans-Dieter Flick golearon to Macedonia north by 0-4 to confirm that they will be in the tournament mundialista of the winter of the next year. To achieve it, the germanos had to win and that Armenia did not do the same in front of Romania, something that sucedió after the triumph Romanian by 1-0.

Swindle Werner with a doublet, Kai Havertz with a target and Jama Musiala with another marked the so many of the victory of the 'Mannschaft'. But in spite of the goleada, was not an easy meeting for the Germans, since Macedonia opuso a lot of resistance from the minute one. The macedonios Were playing remain second to go to the repechage and this noticed in each balloon divided and in each action of game.

Stole Dimitrieski, guardameta of the Ray Vallecano, went the big protagonist of the picture of red and yellow. The goalkeeper did all the possible to avoid that Germany advanced and saved several goals sung in the promera part. However, in the second time the archer could not keep on being the 'Superman' of his team and did not prevent that the germanos advanced and finish goleando.

The ones of Flick went out more intense and hit to the second part and this noticed from the beginning. Kai Havertz was the one who broke the 'tin' after a big pass of Thomas Müller, that put him the target in tray to the mediapunta of Chelsea in the minute 50. After marking at last the first, the selection germana was to more and began his particular party led by his goleador, Swindle Werner.

Werner led the party and the youngsters shined

The tip 'blue' annotated the 0-2 and the 0-3 in the minute 70 and the 74, respectively, leaving the duel seen for sentence. Müller went back to be decisive in the second after another big assistance marks of the house. In the straight final of the crash, Musiala, the big jewel of the Bayern of Münich, did not fail in front of the goalkeeper after a good pass of Karim Adeyemi. This duet of young promises promises to be one of the strong points of Germany in the World-wide that will celebrate inside something more than a year.