The American bank Goldman Sachs predicts that the selection of Brazil will win by 3 to 1 to the one of Argentina in the final of the World-wide of Football, on 13 July in Maracaná

This study of Goldman Sachs bases in a statistical model built from the results of all the international parties officials from 1960. Like this they have foreseen the markers of the 64 clashes of the World-wide of this summer. Spain, for example, will fall in semifinals against the Argentinian of Leo Messi in the batch of penaltis.

The economists of Goldman Sachs recognise in the report that the football is an unpredictable "sport and of low annotation", and that this is only a calculation of probabilities, "a purely statistical perspective". Without going more far, already did a similar study devoted to the World-wide of South Africa 2010, in which it also predicted the final victory of Brazil, and was Spain finally the one who achieved the title of champion of the world.